Monday, October 26, 2020

Being in Christ is all that matters

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 30th week in Ordinary tim

October 27, 2020: Ephesians 5:21-33; Luke 13: 18-21

It is possible that married couples and parents of children, listening to all these discussion in the readings on the attitudes spouses should have towards each other, could feel, 'these things coming from Paul, it's difficult to accept, given the fact that he was an unmarried man!' And certainly also possible, listening to sermons preached by priests, the parents could think, 'Paul writing it and the priests quoting it... both are difficult to accept!' That is a matter of fact and a matter to brush aside with a smile. Yes, it is easily said than lived! That aside, there can be heated debates on issues that Paul speaks of today- who has to be subordinate to whom! But that need not be our focus, in reflecting on the Word today. 

Whether I am subordinate or head, I am called to be IN Christ - that's the focus.

Whether I am a subordinate or a head, or an apostle or a servant, a renowned person or a so-called nobody, parent or child, spouses or in-laws... whoever I am, I am called to be in Christ. Being in Christ means, being rooted in Christ, being nourished by Christ's words, being guided by Christ's lifestyle. being influenced by Christ's way of thinking, being shaped after Christ's mind, being modelled after the example of Christ - being called Christ's own people.

Being in Christ, even if I am just a tiny mustard seed, I can grow into a mighty tree. Being in Christ, even if I am just pinch of yeast I can make a difference for entire dough. Being in Christ, even if I am a nobody wherever I am, I will make a huge difference and the world will turn and take note of me. Being in Christ, even if I am doing just the same things as everyone else does, the way I do it and the heart with which I do it, makes what I do, stand out amidst everything else.

In short, what matters is not whether I am a man or a woman, whether I am in authority or subordinate, whether I am part of the majority or the minority, whether I am in the frontline of events or behind the scenes... 'Being in Christ' is all that matters.

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