Monday, October 12, 2020

Integrity Matters

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 28th week in Ordinary time

October 13, 2020: Galatians 5:1-6; Luke 11: 37-41

Integrity is one virtue that Jesus never compromised on. Dichotomìes and discrepancies between words and actions, between belief and life: they were immediate disqualifiers according to Jesus, in the pursuit of eternal life. He would love the company of even the so-called publicans and sinners who were openly living a sinful life - with the hope that he would bring them back to to the Father. But he would never prefer the company of the self-titled righteous, who were all evil and treacherous in their interior disposition! What a clear warning given to us by Jesus' choice of company!

On our journey to heaven, even a simple life-practice backed up by a strong conviction can become an entry pass to the Reign. Be it the two pennies dropped by the widow, or the vial of perfume broken by the 'sinner' woman, or the simple prayer made by the thief on the cross beside Jesus... they were reasons enough for them to inherit the Reign of God. 

Instead, even if we were to move mountains, or give our bodies over to be burnt, or speak in tongues and preach incessantly, or perform wonders and possess powers, if we do not have the right disposition within, if we do not have the right intention in our hearts, we would be judged far from the Reign and it is practically impossible for us to enter God's dwellings.

Integrity, is that quality which lets me grow in my conviction in my daily life, about every little act that I do, based on every decision I make - big or small, affecting every choice of thought, word or deed! In simple words, I mean what I say and I say only what I mean in the depth of my heart. There are no pretences and face masks! In these days, when all of us go around with the masks on our mouths, it is good every time we put on those masks, to think about how many types of masks we keep wearing on our persons, while in interaction with others. When are we going to shed all those masks and be ourselves, true and integral, before the Lord? That is a demanding life style, but the only life style that fits with Jesus the Christ.

Let us believe in what we pray and practise what we preach or hear preached... lest we become "fools" in the eyes of the Lord.

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