Wednesday, October 14, 2020

With the Lord and Before the Lord


October 15, 2020: Celebrating St. Teresa of Jesus
Ephesians 1: 1-10; Luke 11: 47-54

Today we celebrate the feast of St. Teresa of Avila. We could look back at a wonderful episode from her life...the saintly carmelite Teresa was fond of introducing herself to everyone as Teresa of Jesus. In fact that is another name by which she is known, apart from Teresa of Avila. She loved Jesus as her own spouse; she referred to him as her 'beloved' - so romantic a faith. It is said that in one of her visions, when Jesus appeared and she asked,"who are you?" Jesus replied in her style: "I am Jesus of Teresa". Nothing can replace a personal love that we ought to have for Jesus. St. Teresa of Jesus, inspires us to an ardent love for our Saviour. Needless to say, we would be repaid with a love several times deeper and in fact, we love because the Lord loved us first (1 Jn 4:19). 

We see in St. Teresa's life that she had a relationship with the Lord that was so intimate, meaningful and a matter of day-to-day experience. Her mystical writings came from a source so divine, that they disturb many even today, challenge them and invite everyone to an understanding of our life that is intimately connected to our relationship with the Lord - a life that is lived with the Lord and before the Lord! 

At times the entire focus of our life reduces to making people think that we are good, virtuous and honourable - and it is not impossible at all. This predominant concern, many a time has proved to be the root cause for terribly wrong decisions, made against conscience and later regretted. The Word today and the saint today, instruct us that we are not called to create images of ourselves for those around us and bask in the opinions we construct among others. That is not the sense of our Christian life. 

Instead, when we realise that we have a responsibility to account for every special blessing that the Lord has showered on us, and account for every thought that arises in our hearts and our minds that are against this goodness of the Lord. To understand that every moment we are right in front of the Lord, bare and naked our intentions, clear and plain every secret thought of ours. As St.Paul today points it out, it is between God and me, and public opinions and image creation will not suffice. "To be holy and blameless before God in love"... that is the task given to us. Can I deceive God the ultimate judge? What do I gain putting up an image before others? 

Being holy and blameless before the Lord is to live my daily life, every moment of my daily life, with the Lord and before the Lord.

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