Wednesday, November 4, 2020

In mutual seeking...

WORD 2day: Thursday, 31st week in Ordinary time

November 5, 2020: Philippians 3: 3-8a; Lk 15: 1-10

The initial lines of the Gospel today say it all: the tax collectors and sinners were seeking the company of Jesus and the pharisees were complaining against it. And Paul explains it in bare terms... what really matters is not circumcision or not...but the relationship one has with the person of Christ. Enough lessons to formulate a whole lifestyle, a Christ-ian lifestyle.

Past glories, handed down traditions, legalistic requirements, ritual uprightness, fulfillment of duties ...these will not take you any far, however good and right and just they could be. However precious you may consider these, without a living relationship with the person of Christ, what will become of these? Rubbish, trash, refuse, just waste! 

What is expected of me, as a true disciple of Christ is to get nearer and nearer, closer and closer, more and more in personal relationship with God, in the Spirit, through Christ. Do you have doubts if you really can work on that? Do you think in it is difficult to create and get going a relationship with God? Do you feel it is not so easy, because I am lost in my daily chores and millions of commitments? Lost...? but do not worry... there is someone who is looking for you, seeking you!

Yes, God keeps looking out for us, just as the parables present to us in the Gospel today, the shepherd and the woman looking out, seeking! All that we need to do is become aware of our call, to be with God; to earnestly wish the presence of God in our lives; to seek the presence of God, as did the tax collectors and the sinners!

And when God sees our efforts, God doubles it up with grace! God fills us to our brim. God gives us in abundance. God comes to us with a flood of love and compassion....that is Grace. Grace, which is in simple terms of our relationship with God, in the person of Christ, by the gift of the Holy Spirit. Grace...amazing grace, before which everything else is mere trash.

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