Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Unchanging Criterion

WORD 2day: Friday, 31st week in Ordinary time

November 6, 2020: Philippians 3:17 - 4:1; Luke 16: 1-8

Prudence is a practical virtue; it is the capacity to discern the most effective option from a set of available options. At times in life, we seem to have quite many options to choose from. And a confusion is bound to arise. But today we are reminded of a fact: when we have Christ as our choice, there need be no confusion regarding what to choose and what not to! 

When Christ becomes our absolute, our standard, our criterion, then there would be no confusions nor any more options. We would have an absolute to live by, a standard to judge by, a criterion to choose by. The steward presented in the Gospel today, was praised, yes. But what was he praised for? For his shrewdness and not for his goodness! And some confuse saying, Jesus praised him! Jesus is narrating that the master in the parable praised him! 

For Jesus, what matters here again was... giving away, not getting stuck or attached, looking at everything as a way and a means to be acceptable in the eyes of the Lord. You realise you have collected dishonest wealth - give it away to the needy and get back to the Lord. You realise you are not really on the track towards your call, just shake yourself up and change your course! For doing all this you have one absolute criterion: Christ, the mind of Christ, the lifestyle of Christ - doing the will of the One who sent me, not my own!

St. Paul lived by this choice and presented the same to the others. Be imitators of me as I am of Christ ( 1 Cor 11:1) said Paul, as we read in today's first reading too. We would be judged truly and absolutely prudent, if we choose that never failing criterion: Christ! Because it is the Lord and the Lord alone who does not change. Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Heb 13:8).

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