Sunday, December 20, 2020

O Key of David - Saving Assurance


December 21, 2020: Fourth Monday in Advent

Songs of Songs 2:18-14; Luke 1:39-45

Blessed assurance, we sing! The assurance is born of love, the love of God which comes down from centuries to centuries! This is the message from the Word for this day, taking us closer to the celebrations of Christmas. 

People of God are not merely persons or families, it is progenies...generations after generations. That says so much about the community dimension of Christian faith. Christian faith is lived in communities, in interpersonal communication, in intercommunity communion and universal communion. The salvation that comes from the Lord, comes as an assurance, amidst all our unworthiness!

Assurance, yes...but not without a natural and due prerequisites - that which tops them all is the eagerness and readiness to behold the Lord. The first reading speaks to us of the yearning and the eagerness in the heart of the beloveds of God, for God! The Gospel highlights the readiness, preparedness and promptness in recognising the Lord and beholding God's presence. 

Reaching out to the other, gratefully recognising the service of the other as God's intervention, and finding God's presence in every event of life, is a sign of beholding God's presence. What the Lord opens no one can close, and what the Lord closes no one can open. The Lord is the key to understand the real meaning of our lives... that is our saving assurance! 

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