Thursday, December 17, 2020

O Wisdom of God Most High


December 17, 2020: Wisdom - the Word made flesh

Genesis 49: 2, 8-10; Matthew 1: 1-17

This day marks the beginning of the seven special days of preparation towards the great feast of the Word becoming flesh...the Word eternal, when enfleshes itself, becomes Wisdom, the concrete manifestation of  God's knowledge. 

The Wisdom of God Most High, has been witnessed to from time immemorial, from all eternity. The Gospel's genealogy account, is to establish this eternal plan coming to its fulfilment in Christ, in incarnation and in the very act of God choosing to intervene in human history in a manner that cannot be paralleled to any.

God's Wisdom is manifest in justice that flourishes and peace that flows like an ever flowing river. Where there is justice and peace, there is Wisdom. When I become a source of peace and champion of justice, I become the Wisdom of God, that is, the manifestation of God made human! When I do nothing to further the cause of justice or peace, I cannot claim to be wise, nor to be in the vicinity of Wisdom, that is God who comes to dwell amidst us. 

Much worse, when I am the cause of injustice even in the least of ways, or the reason for destruction of peace whether consciously or unconsciously, I am against the Word, against the Wisdom, against the Reign of God that every Christmas very specially indicates. 

Today, let us resolve to behold the Wisdom of God, be filled with that Wisdom and share that Wisdom so that, we may create wherever we are, a community of justice and peace, concrete revelations of the Wisdom of the God most high.

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