Sunday, December 6, 2020

Strange things or Miracles: learn to see


December 7, 2020: 2nd Monday in Advent

Isaiah 35: 1-10; Luke 5: 17-26

When things happen in an unexpected way, we exclaim - 'what a coincidence!' A worse expression is to say, 'how strange!' A truly Christian outlook would be to cry out 'it is a miracle!' Yes, at times people think miracles are few and far they abound. Miracles abound for those who are ready to see them around.

The Gospel today says the people said: we have seen strange things today. Worse still, there were those who were finding fault with Jesus who was the reason for things that were happening. Who were truly disciples of Christ: those who were, from the beginning able to see what Jesus was upto...his compassion, his love for the crippled man, his passion for God and God's children and finally the act of forgiveness and healing...every bit of it was a miracle for them!

The first reading speaks of deserts flowering, wilderness turning a haven, wild beasts disappearing and glory of God filling all the would sound strange for some. Worse still, for some it would sound foolish and infantile and too spiritualising. For true disciples of Christ, it will be a miracle to be expected, prayed for, and beheld when it happens. 

In all these what is the difference between the outlooks: the capacity to see, observe and behold miracles. Miracles abound for those who are ready to see them around. 

Let us learnt to see miracles, on a daily basis they keep happening to us in our ordinary lives. A smile from a person when you just need it; a tap on your shoulder when you are all down in spirit, a call from a dear one when you feel you are totally down and out, a glad news from someone when you are gloomy and blue, a surprising encounter with a person when you least expected it...all these account for miracles, of only we learn to see in them what the Lord wants to accomplish through these and communicate in them. It is a special capacity we can acquire only in the School of Jesus...let us learn to see!

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