Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Reign suffers!


December 10, 2020: 2nd Thursday in Advent

Isaiah 41: 13-20; Matthew 11: 11-15

Jesus speaks of the Reign that suffers at the hands of the violent. It follows from Jesus' assertion that the Reign of God rests amidst us. Yes, the Reign lives in those who live the values of the Reign. Most of the times our discourses and discussions on the Reign of God, end with a dubious note, a never answered question: "are all that we speak of, possible?  Is it not merely Utopian to think of such ideals? Can we really establish such a Reign in our context?" 

Jesus would today tell us: it is not all about establishing the Reign. The Reign already exists, in the persons who stand for love and mutual care, in persons who thirst for justice and truth, in persons who are ready to give up even their lives for the sake of fullness of life for all. The question is, do we form part of that Reign already in our life or not. And if we do form part of it, it would be seen in our everyday choices, our priorities and the causes we stand for and speak out for. 

When we do it, we will surely not be left in peace. Look at persons who are taken to task, in different parts of the world, merely because they insist on living the values of the Reign - the values of justice, equality, and fraternity! Jesus himself is our model who went right up to the cross and eventual death, for the sake of the values of love and sacrifice that he held on to. Living these days of crisis, this life style of Jesus is a big challenge to us. 

When we intend to live as Christ did, we will certanain have troubles from every corner and the Lord assures us in the first reading today: 'Fear not! I will help you!' Because the Reign of God is the Lord's doing and we are all agents of that the Reign here on earth - and we have the Reign right within us! When we fail to realise that, the Reign suffers!

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