Tuesday, December 8, 2020

To never grow tired!


December 09, 2020: Second Wednesday in Advent

Isaiah 40: 25-31; Matthew 11: 28-30

To run and not to grow weary, to walk and never to tire... that is the call that the Word has today. That is clearly a sign of God's people. Think of a person like Mother Teresa, she fought all her life against everything that drains humanity of its dignity, did she succeed? Or a person like Nelson Mandela, who spent 27 years in the prison to stand for equality and political freedom, did he totally succeed? Succeed... that does not matter. They never grew tired - that was the sign of their greatness, their godliness! Nothing could break them. They were putting out their wings like the eagle, every time the oppressive powers tended to curtail them.

It is like the techniques that are taught to the sprinters... having just a hundred or two hundred meters at their disposition, to prove themselves, they cannot afford to look back, compare with the other or console oneself in comparison with the other! Till the very last moment the person has to keep the pace up, because even in the last moment, one can be easily overtaken! 

Yes, we have this course to run, called life. But we cannot become tired of it, we cannot complain about it. There are difficult moments and tiresome experiences. But there are also precious treasures that the Lord has in store for us - wonderful experiences, inspiring people, captivating values, sanctifying virtues, everything is there. We cannot grow tired. 

The Lord assures his sons and daughters that God will be with us strengthening us in this life and all its  trials...you will run but will not grow tired, you will walk but will not grow faint...if and only if you have God with you! The Lord expresses God's wish to comfort us and assist us, it is upto us to receive this grace and accept his accompaniment. 

We are God's people, only in as much as we develop our capacity to never grow tired!

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