Thursday, January 21, 2021

Power from above


January 21, 2021: Remembering St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr

Hebrew 7: 25 - 8:6; Mark 3: 7-12

Jesus possessed the power from above and that was sensed by all, specially by the evil spirits that he often encountered. It is not that some did not notice it, because it was so obvious - only that, some were not ready to acknowledge it. It is by this power from above that Jesus became the high priest who can save all of us - the power given to him by the Father. 

Each of us has received our share of this power to be called the people of God and to live a life that is proper to that call. What if we are mindful of this power and start using this power - of course the opposition from the enemy camp will be more, but will we not set ourselves up as great signs of God's presence to this world that needs it so badly? 

Another question that is more crucially relevant is: to what end are you willing to use this power - your own selfish ends or for the greater glory of God? In a world that is torn between compromises and mixed allegiances, St. Agnes' example shines forth as a splendid beacon, beckoning us towards concrete and daily sanctity, as a manifestation of the power invested within us. The Power that comes from God does not make us arrogant or aggressive, but it makes us more meek, humble, gentle and totally belonging to God -thus making us signs of God's presence to the world around. 

Let us remember this day and reflect everyday - we are made children of God by the power from above! And if only we decide to live every moment as true children of God, without compromises or connivances, we shall remain great signs of this 'power from above.'

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