Monday, January 11, 2021

The Reign Call

WORD 2day: Monday, 1st week in Ordinary time

January 11, 2021: Hebrew 1:1-6; Mark 1: 14-20

We have come to the end of the Christmas season and Ordinary Time begins; we have finished celebrating the events around Jesus' birth and we begin to remember the life and ministry of the Lord. Rightly the readings today highlight the revelation made in and through Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, as the Word made flesh, and as the climax of all precendent prophecies and preparations! 

And Jesus begins, by proclaiming the Reign for which he stood all his life, even unto death! His message, his life and his mision was all summarised in that one reality: the Reign of God. The Reign of God is the single term explanation of all that Jesus taught, in words and actions. It is not only about Jesus, but even all that the prophets and the law spoke of till Jesus... ushering in that moment when Jesus would inaugurate the definitive phase of the beginning of the Reign. Yes, the Reign has begun...but ofcourse, not yet completely established.

The Reign will never be completely established until the last person on earth who rebels against truth, justice, love and peace converts himself or herself to the love and mercy of God. It begins with each of us, just leaving our nets, our boats and our attachments, to follow Jesus - follow the values of Jesus, the teachings of Jesus and the very life style of  Jesus. This is the Reign Call that is given to each of the Christians of all times.

The Lord calls us today, to make our own, the dream and the vision of the Reign of God; to be in our own way messengers of the Reign. Are we prepared to leave the nets and boats, and follow the Reign Call?

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