Sunday, February 21, 2021

As a Rock-based Community


February 22, 2021: Celebrating the Chair of St.Peter

1 Peter 5: 1-4; Matthew 16: 13-19

Today we celebrate the pastoral responsibility that the Lord places on the successors of St. Peter - You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. 

The First reading has a few remarkable elements that seem to explain perfectly the role of Papacy: 'presbyter among presbyters', 'not lording over the people', 'being example to the flock'! This is the meaning of guarding the Church against the gates of hell. binding on earth what is against the Kingdom of heaven and loosening on earth all that will build up a community that is worthy of the Lord who has called and commissioned that community. 

This is exactly what Pope Francis is trying to do: stressing the Collegiality of the Bishops as Bishop of Rome, not lording over but challenging everyone with his very life. Restraining from making a hero-idol of himself, but putting the concerns of the people and the suffering world first in the order of importance. 

It is important as a Church that we begin to hearken to his passionate call to live as light of the world and salt of the earth, spreading love and hope to those around us. We have a duty to pray for the Holy Father, as there are so many forces today in the World that wants by all means to destroy the Church and its moral authority on the planet today! And very specially when there are forces from unexpected quarters and in least foreseen forms trying to do away with that rock-based people of God, the Church. 

But let us not fret; the Lord has promised that the gates of hell will never prevail over the Church. In stead, let us strive to remain worthy of that promise, by being communities of genuine faith and integral living. Let us proclaim with all our heart, with the great disciple: You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!

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