Friday, February 12, 2021

The Promise, the bread and the Word!

WORD 2day: Saturday, 5th week in Ordinary time

February 13, 2021: Genesis 3: 9-24; Mark 8: 1-10

The Word in its entirety today, brings to us the deep connection that exists among the three key terms of our Christian faith: the promise, the bread and the Word. 

The multiplication of the bread in the Gospel, is but a symbolic episode of the continuity that exists between the God of Old Testament and the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ / the God who provided, in a deserted placed, to a multitude of people and from almost nowhere - Jesus provides food; gives them bread to eat, juts as the Father gave them food, manna from heaven to eat.

The bread is not merely a bread to eat, but a sign of God'promise. You shall be my people and I shall be your God, was God's promise and God lived, and has lived faithful to it, all the time. Come what may, sun shine or nay, God is faithful in God's ways, each and every one of our days. God promised that we would be redeemed by an offspring from a woman...and we are! The promise lies open to us and we stand firm on it, not because we deserve it but because the Lord our God is faithful to it. 

The Word is the incarnation of the promise, and the Word comes to us every day in varied forms, including the form of the bread, the bread of the Covenant, the mystery of our redemption: the Eucharist. The Eucharist embodies all the three elements of the promise, the bread and the Word... it is a daily reminder of the goodness and the faithfulness of God.

Let our celebration of the Eucharist today, be a true thanksgiving to the goodness of God in which we are saved!

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