Monday, March 29, 2021

The task of an Apostle - day in and day out!


Another Passion Week amidst the Pandemic - the Preaching Tuesday

March 30, 2021: Isaiah 49:1-6; John 13:21-33,36-38

'Listen' is the call of the first reading! And reflecting on the life of Christ the exegetes say, today - this tuesday, might have been the last day that Jesus was upto his usual task with his disciples and followers. He knew the Jews were looking for him, waiting to trap him and do something about him! Yesterday we heard them so desperate about the crowd that was going behind this man, from Galilee! But what did Jesus do: he went on with his task as an apostle, day in and day out.

Jesus was the apostle of God, the apostle of the Goodnews that God wanted to share with whole humanity, the apostle of God's mercy, the apostle of love...nothing could stop him from being that! He was there with the crowds speaking to them, still explaining thing about the Reign of God and about how they could all together become the living temple of God! 

The Pandemic experience has thrown a similar challenge to us: last year things were worse! We were stuck in our houses and could not even go out. And we know how the social media and the television ministry came to our aid... helping us unite ourselves in the paschal mysteries of Christ from home! We thank God for these means.

The problem is not there...because what followed has become more problematic. This year things are not still totally alright, but much better than last year, as there is a possibility of moving out, even though with restrictions. But is there a kind of mindset, a spiritual lethargy that is set in: people preferring TV Masses to the Church services, persons looking for better alternatives and interesting choices instead of commitment to the Lord and the faith community they are called to be part of? 

‘I make you light of the nations,’ promised the Lord to his Servant. Jesus became the Light and said, ‘you shall be light of the world,’ making us just like him, apostles of the Father. Are we committed to our relationship with God our Father and Mother, just as Jesus was, come what may! Or are we giving the easiest reasons and simplest excuses to have our easy way out?

Jesus warned Judas; he warned his apostles; but they were all too naive to take it seriously. Jesus was troubled in spirit, says the Gospel today. Let him not be troubled by our spiritual lethargy and tendency of not prioritising what pertains to God.

Let us strive to be at the task of the apostles, day in and day out!

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