Wednesday, March 3, 2021

True Christian Love: Grow Sensitive to the Suffering

THE WORD IN LENT: Thursday, 2nd week in Lent

March 04, 2021: Jeremiah 17: 5-10; Luke 16: 19-31


Reflecting on the passage in the Gospel today, we may be led to wonder at times, what mistake did that rich man do? And in what way he is responsible for Lazarus' misery? In no way is he responsible for the misery of the miserable poor man, Lazarus! But the rich man is responsible for his attitude towards Lazarus. That he did not care even to see the miseries of the person right at the foot of his table, looking for the crumbs - oh, what a gross insensitivity! Sheer blindness! And the worst of all, that blindness comes from the blessings he had, the abundance that he had for himself. The Blessings blinded him. 

Look at the situation everywhere, especially in places that are badly stricken by the recent experience of pandemic!... the world at large seems to be oblivious of the doubled suffering of the poor amidst this! There are stray voices that call for a global attention, but nothing seems too serious! The affluent are busy making more money. The medical industry, the health care institutions, the pharma industry, they are keen on making the optimum use of the crisis. The powerful are looking out for opportunities to further demonstrate their power over the rest. The crooked are making use of every chance to reach their hidden agenda at all cost. 


Blessings should make us more grateful and more sensitive; unfortunately, it can also blind us to those in need around us - within the family, in the neighbourhood, in our workplaces, in our known circles or outside the immediate circle! We can grow so comfortable and cosy about our life that we may forget to look out – out just beside our doorsteps, out right next to us, out there in the broad day light – to find , people suffering, struggling and stifling themselves to death. Should not our blessings make us more aware of those in need?


If at all we want to understand what is true Christian love, let us grow ever sensitivity to the suffering!

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