Sunday, May 9, 2021

Help love prevail !!!

WORD 2day: Monday, 6th week in Easter time

May 10, 2021: Acts 16: 11-15; John 15:26 - 16:4a

Speaking of the new believer in the Lord, a lady of considerable renown, Paul says she prevailed over us! It is true love that prevails, a selfless love inspired by the newly accepted Good news! The Lord opened her mind to listen to the Word and her heart to be the consolation for the messengers of the Word. The Lord provides through her.

Today, providing for the messengers of the Word, in ways truly numerous, is one way that we can make love prevail. We may have troubles from every corner, opposition from all sides and forces waiting to devour the simple and innocents, the fear-inducing situation around, the hope-draining experiences and information - as we see Jesus telling us in the Gospel today. But nothing of this will block us from going ahead in our task and the challenge entrusted to us, if only we allow love to prevail over us. 

The Lord will open minds, inspire hearts and remove blocks, that we may have all the back up needed to take the message far and wide, the message of hope and life, the message of God's love and unconditional accompaniment. This could have been, or could be at present, the experience of many of us: how many ways and moments, we would have felt the providence of God, at the exact right moment! Persons coming to our aid, friends pitching in their bit, and so many other unbelievable ways in which the Lord provides, or numerous ways in which Love prevails!

The call is simple: that we allow love to prevail and we become ourselves means and instruments for love to prevail. Can we and shall we help love prevail!!!

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