Monday, June 14, 2021

God: a poor businessman!

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 11th week in Ordinary time

June 15, 2021: 2 Corinthians 8: 1-9; Matthew 5:43-48 

Among us friends we have a good laugh whenever we think of an elderly religious (of happy memory), who was put incharge of the farm in one of our religious communities. Every year at the annual audit he was used to repeating a remark, in his own inimitable modulation: "what put I get, what I get I profit, no loss, no problem". 

If we look at the love that God had lavished upon humanity, he would not have certainly got back even a tiny fraction of what he has put in! 

Incarnation is just one of the many mighty investments that God had made on our behalf (cf. 2 Cor 8:9)... but consider the dividends! God seems to be such a bad business person and the strangest part of it is, Jesus invites us to follow God's logic! Knowingly to invest in a losing business, who ever will oblige today?

You are almost certain what you give will not come back to you... still you are called to give! You know by forgiving a person that person is not going to in anyway become better or convert for good, still you are called to forgive! You know the one in need right in front of you, has been someone who has done so much damage to you in the past, still you are called to reach out with compassion and do the needful. What kind of a logic is this? Will anyone rational really accept this kind of a reasoning? 

If you do not accept this logic, you risk not being part of the band of Christ. This lifestyle may look illogical, but nothing else is fitting enough for being truly God's children. Let's love without counting the cost; Our Master, is undoubtedly a poor businessman!

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