Friday, June 25, 2021

When the Lord enters...

WORD 2day: Saturday, 12th week in Ordinary time

June 26, 2021: Genesis 18: 1-15; Matthew 8: 5-17

The Word today has the leitmotif of the Lord who enters homes and when the Lord does that, there is something marvellous happening. 

The Lord enters Abraham's house, and the childless Sarah bears a child. The Lord enters Peter's home and Peter's mother in law rises up from her fever. The Lord's presence makes things come anew. There is a third episode here which brings the same theme to the next plane: a mere Word from the Lord can make things beautiful.

The Word, is the living presence of the Lord... it represents the entirety of the Lord to us, for two reasons: Incarnation and the Mystery of the Trinity. 

Incarnation, is the Word becoming flesh and coming to live among us. That initiated a new relationship between us and God. A God who was of course loved and respectfully acknowledged all through the Old Testament, was still a powerful Other who was out there setting everything up for our wellbeing. But with the Incarnation, God becomes One among us, someOne who can empathise with us! That is the Word.

The role of the Word in the mystery of the Trinity is something beautiful and sweet...because, it is through the Word that we know God. Word is not merely about words spoken or written, but it is all about Communication. The Communication of God, is what makes us truly children of God... no one has known or seen God, but the Word introduces God to us and the Word is the Spirit at work...what a great gift we have in the Word of God. 

If we allow the Word of the Lord to enter our homes, everything will be renewed testifies the Centurion in the Gospel. Allowing the Lord to enter our homes is a marvellous thing to do; but it involves a great risk too. Things will not be the same anymore. We will have to be ready to forgo of a few things because, when the Lord enters everything is renewed! Are we ready for the renewal?

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