Tuesday, June 29, 2021

With open eyes...

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 13th week in Ordinary time

June 30, 2021: Genesis 21: 5, 8-20a; Matthew 8: 28-34

Hagar had almost given up. For her it was all over. She found no scope of living on and no chance of surviving that desertedness. All that while the well was just round the corner. She was so filled with self pity that she was not able to see the ample opportunity just there for hers to take. All that God did was open her eyes that she may see the well. 

However blinded she might have been, Hagar, finally does see unlike the people of Gerasene who never saw till the end, who it really was that had entered their village. Their self pity of having lost their swine in thousands blinded their eyes from perceiving the great and wonderful blessings that Jesus had in store for them. What a great miss it was, they asked Jesus to leave! 

Our problems and troubles, our suspicions and judgements, our prior experiences and disappointments, can easily blind us to the great things that surround us. Sometimes these may even block the blessings that we could receive in life. Not that miracles do not happen, but most of the times we are not in a position to see the miracles that abound all around us. We choose what is not necessary, what could be easily done away with, what does not really help us live our life to the full. And we reject the truth, the fact, the light, the way, the meaning, the sense of life!  

If only Hagar still failed to see what the Lord was showing her, she would have thrown her life away. If only the people of Gerasene saw who they were rejecting; if only they beheld the blessings that he brought; if only they lived their lives with open eyes...

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