Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Celebrating Home-makers


July 29, 2021: Remembering Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus 

Exodus 40: 16-21; John 11: 19-27 (or) Luke 10: 38-42


Let us begin with an interesting fact that today's feast (till now feast of St. Martha) is a fruit of a mistake... a mistaken identity in history which equated Mary Magdalene with Mary, the sister of Martha. If you remember exactly a week ago (on 22nd) we celebrated the feast of Mary of Magdala, calculating a week from there, in history they wanted to celebrate the alleged sister of Mary, that is Martha!?! Though a mistake, a happy mistake and we should be happy to celebrate today the feast of this person, who was all preoccupied to express her love for Jesus Christ in every way that she possibly could. Ironically, her sister Mary, whom the Lord said chose the right part, has had no celebration specific to her... of course, from this year we celebrate the siblings together - the two sisters and their brother Lazarus, together on this day!

Focussing a little on Martha, in today’s Gospel from St. John, we have the scene of Jesus' arrival after three days of Lazarus' death. Thanks to this passage of John, it redeems the image of Martha as a workaholic and helps us identify in her a person who had a deep understanding of who Jesus was. 

The affirmations that Martha comes out with shows how practical her faith in Christ was; that she set out and ran towards Jesus indicates the eagerness she had to meet him; and the openness she had towards the Lord and the Lord's power over any circumstance shows how deep her faith was. An active love for God and an unwavering faith in the Lord - these are the two lessons that Martha teaches us. 

How relevant they are for the world of today, which is characterised by a godless spirituality, inhuman development and unethical rationality! However, on a practical note, it is a good day to express our gratitude and felicitate the home-makers (the so-called house-wives!!!) who make our lives so pleasant! It could also be a great day to celebrate the sanctity of the siblings together - sanctity in a family!


Kirtana Moses said...

Beautiful Reflection .šŸ™

chris said...

Thank you! Praised be the Lord!