Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Moses, Joshua, Clare and You!


August 11, 2021: Remembering St. Clare of Assisi
Deuteronomy 34: 1-12; Matthew 18: 15-20

Today we listen to an account of the demise of Moses and the taking over of Joshua. Moses was a great prophet, an unparalleled leader, a person who related to God as if to a friend - but that does not mean he would go on forever. He faced his end. Joshua took over and there was an end to him too. None of us is indispensable - neither Moses, nor Joshua, nor you and me! We are all here to do the will of God, each one in our own way, in our personal life. And one thing that will remain to ensure continuity is the community, the faith community, the people of God! This is what Jesus teaches his followers today. 

The Faith Community, that is, my brothers and sisters in the Lord together as one, have an indispensable role to play. This is where the Church draws its importance. At times we belittle our faith, as if it is between me and my God. Yes, it is so, but it is between me and my God in the context of my brothers and sisters in the Lord. 

The saint we remember today - St. Clare, was a close collaborator with Francis of Assisi, in the much needed renewal of the Church of the medieval times...how did she help in the renewal? Just as Francis did, she built up a community of sisters, who would live in communion with the Lord, with the whole universe and above all with each other. That was the model of renewal proposed then, and it serves even now, or anyday! That which can renew the Church or the humanity is love, love in the Community! 

Know the people of God whom you live with. Love your faith community. Be responsible towards the community around you. As a follower of Christ, I am called to express and live my faith, in and among a community, given to me by God. Let love reign!

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