Friday, September 10, 2021

Evidence of the inexhaustible patience

WORD 2day: Saturday, 23rd week in Ordinary Time

September 11, 2021: 1 Timothy 1: 15-17; Luke 6: 43-49

Paul calls himself the evidence of God's inexhaustible patience. Aren't we all such evidences... taking into consideration the endless opportunities we are offered to bear the right fruits at the right season.

At times persons ask questions like: why is it that people are so bad and they don't allow me to be as good as I wish to be! May be the Word today could answer that question... I am responsible for the fruits that are expected of me... there will surely be scores of others who will disturb, distract, discourage and disorient me but I cannot lose the direction that I am given with. I cannot blame it on others or the situation when I fail to bear the fruits that I should. 

However, we have a God who is inexhaustible in patience. It is beautiful to remember here those wise words of the saint of the gutters, whom we celebrated last Sunday. She was convinced and repeated often, God expects from us not success but faithfulness. But it is hard to be faithful, faithful amidst all the difficulties around.

This day cannot be forgotten from recent pages of history, a day that changed the entire world mentality 20 years ago. The twin tower blasts which implanted fear, suspicion, hatred, vengeance and universal mistrust, still affects the way persons and societies look at the other and others! But can we  just give into the influence of evil and hatred, in spite of all the hardships we face! Here is where our call to bear fruit amidst odds, stands out. 

Let us resolve to be good, to bear only good fruits, to never give up on the call we have received. May the inexhaustible patience of God fill us with necessary endurance to make this journey possible.

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