Thursday, September 30, 2021

Integrity is to remain children!


October 1, 2021: Remembering St. Teresa of Child Jesus 
Baruch 1: 15-22; Luke 10: 13-16

Integrity belongs to the Lord proclaims prophet Baruch. We have only responded with our weakness, the prophet laments. But despite that the Lord has always considered us God's children, who fall, fail and falter but are always in the heart of the merciful God. God wishes to keep us in the heart, but are we humble enough to remain?

All good things we begin with a great spirit, as children who are excited about the new uniform and new books and notebooks for the school, but soon get tired of them and wish to get rid of them as soon as possible. To remain children is a special capacity. It is a capacity to acknowledge the love of God, a readiness to be open and attentive to the Lord's commands, and an eagerness to hold on to the relationship that God offers us on a daily basis and do all that we can for the sake of God's will.

This is what Jesus meant when he said, unless you become like children you would not enter the Reign of God. We need to be attentive to the Lord and listen to God's will... God's will shall be brought to us through various means, especially through the persons around and events that happen. If we listen to them, we welcome God's presence; if we refuse to listen to them, we reject what the Lord wishes to communicate!

St. Teresa of Lisieux lived just 24 years, never crossed her convent walls but today is known as the patroness of the missions... because the center of her life was the Word to which she paid a close and loving attention. She lived a life centered around the Word- that is the life that the Lord has invited us to: to listen to the Lord and grow in our integrity. That is, to remain children, to remain God's children all our life.

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