Monday, September 6, 2021

Rooted, bulit, held and filled!

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 23rd week in Ordinary time

September 7, 2021: Colossians 2: 6-15; Luke 6: 12-19

You must be rooted, built on him, held firm by faith and be filled with thanksgiving - what powerful words that Paul uses to explain what is it that we are called to, especially in this epoch where everything Godly is being despised, hated and frowned upon! Yes, we are called. Just as Jesus called those 12, he has called each one of us, by name, from a crowd of people, singling us out and setting us apart.

But, what are we called to?

To be rooted in Christ, that we be nourished and kept alive, by no one knows what, the very source of life and meaning - the Divine Word, become flesh.

To be built into Christ, that every thing that we say, do or even think, may make present that almighty transforming power of God, the Spirit that rested on Christ and which has been passed on to us.

To be held firm in Christ, against all concussions that may happen due to the wiles of the world - that is why Paul warns us: make sure that no one traps you, with the empty, rational principles of this world.

To be filled with thanks to Christ, for having won us over for God! In spite of the daily troubles and unending cares of the day, we are called to look at the blessings God has willed for us and the treasures God has stored for us.

We are called... to be rooted and built on Christ, held firm and filled with Christ, that we can make sense of our own lives, make meaning for others and find that ultimate meaning - Christ himself!

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