Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Set out... restore the ruins!

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 25th week in Ordinary time

September 22, 2021: Ezra 9: 5-9; Luke 9: 1-6

Looking at the world today, one has enough to criticize, enough to lament and enough to detest. But that is not what a disciple of Christ could do at his or her best. The Lord invites and challenges us to 'Set out to restore the ruins'. God called in history people like Moses, Ezra and Nehemiah, the other prophets, John the Baptist, Jesus himself, Francis of Assisi and many others; just as much does God call you and me today, in our own way to restore the ruins and certainly not to add to them.

Even in and through our facebook messages, whatsapp forwards, blogposts, tweets and circulated mails we are given with opportunities and scope to restore ruins and not create more havoc. There are enough hate-spreaders, we need not add to those numbers. Our justice need not be a justice of an uncharitable self righteousness; it has to be filled with charitable holiness. Even when they reject you, move on shaking the dust off your sandals, the Lord suggests.

It is not so easy in a world so dominated by egoistic agenda, divisive mentality, exploitative mindset, vindictive perspectives and inhuman developmental processes! The majority of the world tends to play it according to the tunes of the mighty and the rebellionists find it an easy task to reject everything that the majority holds on to, spreading therefore ungodly leanings that strive to alieate human persons from the merciful God. 

Can we truly root ourselves on evangelical charity and fend for the weak, stand by the oppressed and think from their perspective? That would truly be restoration of the ruins in the eyes of the Lord.

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