Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The capacity for God-vision

WORD 2day: Thursday, 22nd week in Ordinary time

September 2, 2021: Colossians 1:9-14; Luke 5: 1-11

Jesus demonstrates to the first disciples an extraordinary capacity of perceiving reality. We could refer to this capacity as God vision... that is the capacity to see beyond the apparent and the ability to perceive even what is not yet. This is seen in two levels in the Gospel today. One, Jesus seeing the catch of fish where it apparently wasn't and secondly, Jesus seeing the possibility of Peter and his companions with him becoming fishers of people. And the most interesting part of it all - Jesus promises them that he will develop in them the same capacity: the capacity for God-vision.

Today, we have the call to develop within us this capacity for God-vision. Each of us is invested with the power, by the indwelling Spirit, by the daily help of the Sacraments and the Word, with the assistance of the numerous Godly persons who are around and finally through events and happenings that speak to us of God and the evils of Godlessness. All that we need to do is, remain attentive and observe the signs and learn what God communicates. 

When we really develop the sense of God-vision and remain open to cooperate, God brings out of us the best that we never can even imagine. And eventually this capacity for God-vision will enable us to enhance within us the capacity to look at the best in the other, even at a point where it is not apparently visible. St Paul had become infact an expert fisher of humans and we see him manifest that quality of God vision- he perceives in the people of Colossia a people who are called for great things and not merely new converts. 

To be true disciples and apostles of the Lord, we need to grow in our capacity for God-vision, that will be a criterion and a sign of being truly persons of God. 

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