Friday, November 12, 2021

Will there be faith?

WORD 2day: Saturday, 32nd week in Ordinary time

November 13, 2021: Wisdom 18: 14-16, 19:6-9; Luke 18: 1-8

There is a real anxiety in Jesus' question... will there be faith on earth, when the Son of man comes again! He asks that question looking at the type of people he saw and the mind set they had towards things of spiritual nature. Just as then, even today the question remains pertinent as people are more calculative than committed, more religious minded than faith oriented, more interested in external legalities than integral spirituality!

When Jesus asks that question, it is not about remaining afloat as a group, with still members and adherents, with a stucture of governance and system - that was not what Jesus was worried about, although many of us today would like to interpret that question on those lines. What Jesus meant was, whether the human person would have any relationship left with his or her Divine Origin; or will they be lost in the mundane, the tangibles of existence, the appearances and the so-called concrete experiences, belittling the mystery and the Spiritual dimension of human life.

Will there be faith and will faith be real... the way things seem to be developing, this anxiety has to fill our minds too. The Holy Father makes this issue come alive calling us to be today, a Church more and more authentic, true and faithful to the Gospel and its original values. Resisting all temptation towards division and sectarianism, fighting all forces that dehumanise the society and establishing a Reign counter to that of injustice and exploitation, we are called to keep the true faith alive, until the Son of Man comes back in glory. Are we game for that challenge?

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