Tuesday, December 21, 2021

King of Nations: Offering back to God


December 22, 2021: Fourth Wednesday in Advent

1 Samuel 1: 24-28; Luke 1: 46-56

Hannah offers the child given to her by God, back to God; Mary is promised a child and told already that the child will be offered back to God and God's purposes! Speaking of the King of Nations, we are tempted to think of a majestic and independent personality, commanding everyone around, with extraordinary powers. But in the case of the new born whom we are awaiting this season - the kingliness consists something totally different.

This King of Nations offers himself to God, rules with kindness, acts with justice, deals with mercy and witnesses to truth! What king do we see in this definition - who does not seek his will but God's will; who fends for the people of God and not for himself; who gives of himself and does not expect anything in return! 

The call to us is this: that we recognize the lesson that the festivities of Christmas give us: the lessons of giving back to God what God has blessed us with, of placing in priority God's will and God's plan and not our own, and finally in offering back to God everything that God has given us, becoming a blessing to everyone around, in the name of the King of Nations, the Prince of Peace, the Wonderful Counsellor, our Saviour and Lord. 

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