Monday, December 13, 2021

The Joy of Simplicity


December 14, 2021: Third Tuesday in Advent

Zephaniah 3:1-2, 9-13; Matthew 21: 28-32

This Sunday we were reflecting on the joy of simplicity as the joy of the Reign. It refers to the peace and serenity that would govern the life of a person who lives what he or she talks, the courage and authority that would mark the personality of the one who proclaims what one is conviced of and the righteousness of the one who never compromises on what is right, just and acceptable in the eyes of the Lord.

It is easier to look for honour in the eyes of the world and live a false life, deceiving every one around with compromises and appearances; but what a sad life it would be - ensuring peace and tranquility only in the short life that we have here and now. However, even that is not ensured, because the person has to live all the time cautious of not being exposed!

True joy comes from integrity, from simplicity of life - that is a life that is lived from the heart, a life lived at the core of our beings, a life that is lived in the presence of the Lord, totally open and transparent. The Joy of Simplicity gives us the foretaste of the joy of the Reign!

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