Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Sceptre of Wisdom


December 17, 2021: Genesis 49: 2,8-10; Matthew 1: 1-17

The Word today orients our attention to the faithfulness of the Lord from generation to generation; it is basically an account of the relationship, the covenant between God and God's people. That relationship on our part is a privilege that we experiece, whereas on the part of God, it is in fact an authority that God has on us, God's children!

It is in fact the sceptre that God wields over us, a sceptre that would not end, a sceptre that would not bow down before any forces, a sceptre that would make everything new, a sceptre that would order and govern everything in the world and in our lives. It is indeed a sceptre of rule and governance!

But beyond all these, it is a sceptre of Wisdom... the eternal Wisdom that ordains everything for good, according to the Holy Will, the everlasting plan of God. Within this eternal plan everything has its place - and specially we, we have a place. The reminder at Christmas, when the eternal Word became flesh, coming into time and space, is that we become persons who bring God into this world, into our time, into our space, into wherever we are!

That which helps us do it, is the Wisdom of God... and we therefore exclaim to the divine Wisdom:  O Wisdon of the Most High, ordering all things with strength and gentleness, come and teach us the way of truth! Amen!

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