Sunday, January 30, 2022

A Man of the Reign


January 31, 2022: St. John Bosco, Father and Friend of the Young 

Phillipians 4:4-9; Matthew 18: 1-5

We celebrate today a lovable saint of charity and of indefatigable commitment to the salvation of the young - St. John Bosco, or otherwise lovingly called Don Bosco. The Word that is proposed on his feast day so appropriately sums us what he is... a Man for all times, a Man of the Reign! We can identify three characteristics of his, outlined in the Word today.

The first is his insistence on joyous living of life. Rejoice, Rejoice in the Lord, Rejoice in the Lord I repeat, says St. Paul and that is what John Bosco told his boys and his collaborators always. He insisted on a joyful living of one's life, as a sign of the people of the Reign. The Spirituality he inherited from St. Francis de Sales (incidentally, this is the 400th anniversary year of St. Francis de Sales), was based on joy and optimism and that is the Christian humanism that flavoured the thoughts and teachings of Don Bosco.

The second is the primacy and priority for God. Whatever is good, whatever is true, whatever is noble and whatever is acceptable in the eyes of the Lord, choose them! This was a guiding principle for not only Don Bosco, but also given by him to others who followed him. His very motto - give me souls, take away the rest - was a reflection of this choice, the primacy and the priority that he had for God and what is acceptable in the eyes of the Lord. What a foolproof criterion also for us today - whatever is acceptable in the eyes of the Lord - that would be the choice of the Reign.

The third quality highlighted is the simplicity. If you do not become like the children, simple and innocent, you cannot enter the Reign of God, declares Jesus, thus making it so clear that Don Bosco was truly a man of the Reign. He remained a simple boy from a simple village called Becchi, right until he died as a great founder of a movement, a missionary par excellence of the young, a counsellor and confidant to great Nobles, ministers and even to the Holy Father! He remained the same simple priest that he always wanted to be! He was truly a man of the Reign.

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