Friday, January 28, 2022

A pure heart!

WORD 2day: Saturday, 3rd week in Ordinary time

January 29, 2022: 2 Samuel 12:1-7,10-17; Mark 4: 35-41

"A pure heart create for me O God" -we repeat those beautiful and moving words of David, today as responsorial. It is an important grace to ask from God - a pure heart, for blessed are those who are pure in heart, they shall see God. But the question always remains, especially for us weak and frail human beings... can our heart be pure?

That is precisely why we need to pray for that grace! David is a powerful example of a man who was swayed by his weakness and his frailty and at a point of time, he thought he could get away with it, thinking that no one would ever know his secret thoughts and plotting. But the Lord revealed to him that everything is as bright as the day before the eyes of the Lord. 

The goodness of David rests in the fact that when the Lord made him aware of his mistake, he immediately accepted it and surrendered himself to the Lord - that is the purity of heart, that is a grace! That is the grace we seek from the Lord... we may not be as pure and holy as angels, but within our weakness and our frailty we are called to maintain the purity of our hearts. When we do that we shall see God, listen to God, feel God, and be illumined by the presence of God. 

With that pure heart, righteous and humble, we shall be able to face all the turbulence in our hearts, in our lives and in our small worlds. We would be able to look at situations that are frightening and command them to silence. We shall be able to calm the sea and the storm, above all our hearts within us. That peace and calm comes from a pure heart!

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