Sunday, January 23, 2022

Division, Unity and the Spirit

WORD 2day: Monday, 3rd week in Ordinary time

January 24, 2022: 2 Samuel 5:1-7,10; Mark 3: 22-30

The Word today speaks to us about how a house divided within itself shall become a victim of the evil one and how the house of Israel united themselves under one servant of God - the King David. The Spirit unites...anyone who sins against unity, sins against the Spirit; anyone who sins against the Spirit, denies oneself of a place in the presence of God. 

During the unity octave that we are in, which ends tomorrow, we are inspired to reflect on the Christian call to unite! Becoming One in the Spirit is the fundamental call of the People of God. Those which spread division, instead, are unnecessary ego-play and inhuman surrender to evil. 

There are presons today in the world today who seem to have given themselves to the evil one, having made a pact to further the cause of the evil at the cost of peace and tranquility of the entire humanity. This is an unfortunate development, and it shall not be too long before they ruin themselves and damage so many others around them.

More dangerous are those who are given into ego-play, who even without their own knowing will be furthering the cause of the evil one. At least those who are deliberately evil and pronouncedly on the side of the evil can be identified and warned against. But those who are guided by their own ego, over and above every other good, are persons who will cause much more damage to themselves and to others... we are infact witness to such experiences. 


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