Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Investing in the Lord

WORD 2day: Thursday, 3rd week in Ordinary time

January 27, 2022: 2 Samuel 7:18-19,24-29; Mark 4: 21-25

David is denied the privillege of building the Temple for the Lord - given the impetuous character of David, one would expect a ruckus or atleast an infantile rebellion from David. But that is not what happens today in the first reading...David submits to the Lord in all earnestness and humility, with gratitude and acknowledgement of the goodness of the Lord. And not just that, he pledges his faithfulness to the Lord, not for himself but for all his generation, his entire household. That was a great invenstment on the part of David - an eternal investement with boundless dividends. 

Faithfulness to God is not an easy virtue, given the trouble and suffering it can cause at particular moments of life. But it is an investment, not just for oneself but for the entire generation. Believe in the Lord, and you shall be saved, you and your household - is a familiar promise repeated in the Acts of the Apostles. And as St. Paul affirms, the one who sows aplenty shall reap in abundance; those who sow sparingly shall reap only sparingly (cf. 2 Corinthians 9:6). Faithfulness to the Lord is a mightly investment and it shall never fail! 

Any investment is giving away, letting go, a losing of what one has... and so is faithfulness to God. The so-called promises and the attractions of the instantly glamourous world, can take us away from the right perspective of eternity - from that perspective, one who gives away more shall be given more, and only those who have more shall think of investing more! Without minding the hardships, temptations and struggles, let us resolve to invest more and more in the Lord; and in God's own time we shall reap every bit of its dividend. 

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