Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The Sower, the seed and the Fruits


January 26, 2022: St. Titus and Timothy

2 Timothy 1:1-8; Mark 4:1-20

What is sown shall certainly bear its fruits, but the fruits depend on the condition created and the care taken. The Lord has sown within us, God's own image and likeness, God's goodnews and all the goodness with which the Lord has created this whole universe! Much depends on how we care for what has been sown and the condition we create together as people of God. 

First lesson is to be convinced of the fact that God has sown within us great treausres - beginning with the image and likeness of God because of which we are made true children of the Almighty, the Spirit of the Lord which the Lord has poured into our hearts which make of us great signs of God's presence and the Message of Jesus Christ, the Kerygma of God which makes us bearers of God's tidings to the entire world.

The second lesson is to care for what has been given within us - that we may grow to be truly children of God, that we may forever bear the presence of God to others in whatever situation we find ourselves in and that we may translate our very lives into a goodnews, that the Lord our God is with us and we belong to the One Lord.

Finally, the lesson is to bear fruit - the fruits of our identity,the fruits of the Spirit, the fruits of the Message of God - that everyone who comes across a Christian finds in the person an inspiration, a guidance, a sign post and a clear direction how to live as human persons in this world. At times, today the life of a Christian or a Christian community not only fails to give this witness, but becomes a counter witness; not drawing people to God but driving people away from the One True God. 

The Sower who has sown the divine seeds within us, awaits our cooperation and our fruits... are we on the path of our growth?

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