Thursday, January 20, 2022

Let it not be too late!

WORD 2day: Friday, 2nd week in Ordinary time 

January 21, 2022: 1 Samuel 24: 3-21; Mark 3: 13-19 

Many a person chosen in the history of humankind, has fallen short of their call. We have today the list of those who were chosen and called to be his disciples, by Christ. And we know well how unprepared, incapable and unworthy every one on that list was. But they finally lived up to their call... they measured up to the challenge and today they are an inspiration to all of us. 

But there have been in history, also sad stories and painful turn of events. An excellent example is Saul, who was chosen in all glory but soon, fell short of even a favourable sight from the Lord. Today we see Saul, crying out to the Lord and to the Lord's chosen servant, David. Listening to Saul from the first reading of today, one might think he deserved a second chance. But the fact is, he had by then missed n number of chances to turn to the Lord. It was indeed too late when he came to his senses!

The warning is right here: even if you are at times weak or incapable, and fail in the call that you have received, turn to the Lord at the earliest possible chance, lest it becomes too late. Postponing our decision to make our choices right, delaying our choice to commit totally to God's purposes, procrastinating the definitive choice of lifestyle that is pleasing to God... these might seem pleasurable at times. But let us not grow faint not to listen to the promptings of the voice from within: let it not be too late!

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