Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Envy, loyalty and equanimity

WORD 2day: Thursday, 2nd week in Ordinary time

January 20, 2022: 1 Samuel 18:6-9,19:1-7; Mark 3: 7-12 

History is full of emotions, and bible history is no exception. Especially when we read the account of David's life, there is an interplay of innumerable emotions in a really dazzling manner. Today we have a sample. 

There is the envy of Saul, who is unhappy with the new found popularity of David. He begins to look at David as a threat, first to himself and second to his son's succession to the throne. However, alongside we see the loyalty of that son, Jonathan, who treasures his friendship with David and dares to be loyal at all costs. 

Apart from these there are so many emotions that we will be continuing to encounter these days with this account carrying on. While Jesus in the Gospel stands apart for his equanimity and that is what we are called to imitate, to cultivate, in our own lives. When people opposed him and criticised him Jesus walked away from that place and when people praised him to the skies and wanted to make him their king, he walked away from them; he refused it and he withdrew himself.

This attitude of equanimity is a lesson that Jesus teaches us! In the face of praise or in the event of a discouragement, we need to stay strong and unswerving. We may ask, how is it even possible. It is possibile when we do everything for the sake of God's will - my food is to do the will of the One who sent me; Everything done for God and God's will enables us to take the sufficient distance from the effects of our action! What is important is we know and do the will of God for us, here and now. 

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