Thursday, January 6, 2022

Lord, if you wish...

WORD 2day: Friday after Epiphany

January 7, 2022: 1 John 5:5-13; Luke 5: 12-16

Whoever has the Son has life, a life that will never end, a life that will never fail, a life that will be always meaningful and inspiring. To have the Son, would mean to look at the revelation, behold it and experience it in daily life... which would mean being open to the Lord. 

In the Gospel today, we have a man with leprosy, who saw the revelation in Christ, beheld the truth that he was the Son of God and yearned to experience it in his life... and what did he do? He surrendered. 'Lord if you wish'... he said: if the Lord wished, the Lord could offer him that experience! This is surrender.

The Word invites us to understand what it means to accept that Jesus is the Son of God, what it means to accept the Son of God into our lives... it means surrender. It means to accept the Lordship of Christ, the Lordship of the Son, the absolute Mastery of God. It means not in anyway trying to manipulate God or trying to have our way by twisting and twirling things and experiences. Real faith is to accept the Lordship of God and say: Lord, if you wish!

We do have desires and yearnings, and prayer is all about taking these to God and leaving it in the hands of God. It is not about demanding it from God or pestering God like some children do - rolling on the floor crying out to be satisfied. Our maturity in faith consists of our capacity to see the hand of God in everything, to observe the Lordship of God in all circumstances, to see the Revelation that the Son offers us, in understanding God as the Master of all our life, surrendering to the Lord with trust. 

Let us learn to make this our consistent mode of praying: Lord, if you wish! 

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