Monday, January 17, 2022

Love of God raises us

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 2nd week in Ordinary time

January 18, 2022: 1Samuel 16: 1-13; Mark 2: 23-28

We are introduced today to the figure of David - by the entire liturgy of the Word. David is an epitome of a son of God. We get to understand the intricacies are being choses as children of God from the life of David. A few salient traits that can enlighten us about our status as children of God, from the figure of David:

First of all, David was all the while so unworthy in all normal standards. We see today how Samuel had no clue why the Lord chose this little lad, as the King of Israel. 

Secondly, certain choices that David made as a leader were totally unbecoming of God's chosen one. He knew it and still struggled to cope with his weaknesses, committing errors of treacherous kinds.

Thirdly, at times he seemed to deliberately make choices of controversial nature, taking advantage of the fact that God loved him. God had to at times correct him, discipline him and bring him back to God's ways.

Looking at these traits, we can find one outstanding fact which the figure of David offers us - we may be unworthy of the Lord but that does not matter, in as much as we submit ourselves to the Lord with real heart of a child, as David did. We can never be worthy of being identified as children of God, but one fact we can never forget: God's love raises us!

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