Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Opening up vs Losing it all...

WORD 2day: Thursday, 5th week in Ordinary time

February 10, 2022: 1 Kings 11:4-13; Mark 7: 24-30

The episode of the encounter between Jesus and the Syrophoenician woman, is a curious passage to reflect upon. It has an interesting interpretation that Jesus needed to be taught by that woman, by the simple but staunch faith of that woman. What was the lesson that Jesus had to learn - despite the fact that he was sent for the lost children of Israel, that he had to also open himself up to other needy, because in the sight of the Lord, there is no partiality. 

Today, living in a world of plurality, intensified by globalisation and migration, we need to learn the art of opening up, to live with an open mind and a broad heart, to have a mentality that is mature and transcendent. You cannot force your principles on others, much less your religion or faith. You need to be open and respectful with those who have a different religious or faith tradition from you, instructs the Gospel.

But is that openness, losing our own ground totally; is it relativising all that we have ever believed to be true; and compromising our faith and conviction? The line is quite subtle and we need to traverse it with care - Solomon failed in it. He could not differentaite between respecting and being open to others who had their own faith-following, and following those traditions himself. He lost sight of the great grace of wisdom that he was given and made imprudent choices.

However the merit of David continues to do him good... for the sake of David he was spared! Our goodness, our faithfulness to God, can save other, bring them to God and keep them in the presence of God. Let us ask the Lord to give us the grace to open up our minds and hearts, in love and respect to everyone, without ever losing the grip on the One True Lord. 

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