Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Lord enters... are we there?


February 2, 2022: The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

Malachi 3:1-4; Luke 2: 22-40

The first reading speaks of the Lord who enters the Temple, in surprise of those who were inexpectant of such a thing. The responsorial psalm, invites us to reflect on the need to prepare ourselves that the Lord may enter in. And in the Gospel we see the Lord entering... to present himself to the One who had sent him!  The three instances have three important lessons to communicate to us.

The first: the Lord enters our lives, whether we behold it or not. The Lord is someone who accompanies us and the Lord enters the history of humankind to make us understand what we are called to. The story continues... not just in the Old Testament or in the person of Jesus Christ, but even today, the Lord keeps entering the Temple of the Lord, that is the Lord keeps entering our lives, provided we are there to let the Lord in. 

The second lesson: we need to constantly prepare ourselves towards the Lord's entry into our lives. The Lord enters and we need to let him enter... he does not force his way through the closed door, nor does he enter those hearts which discard him, however the Lord awaits a favourable and authentic disposition on the part of the Lord's children.

The third: the Lord enters to offer himself - it is not to prove the Lord's sovereignty, nor is it to lord it over us, but the Lord enters to offer himself as a sacrifice of expiation for our salvation. The Lord enters to serve, to love, to save and to give of himself totally and lovingly. 

We are called to see the salvation that the Lord has prepared for us, that is the persons and events that the Lord sends our way, in order that we are prepared to behold the presence of the Lord and the presentation of the Lord, for our good, for our joy and for us to have our life to the full. The presentation becomes complete, when we ourselves are disposed to make present the presence and salvation of the Lord to those to whom we are sent. 

Yes, let us behold... the Lord enters; are we there?

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