Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The logic of the Reign


Wednesday, 2nd week in Lent - March 16, 2022

Jeremiah 18: 18-20; Matthew 20: 17-28

However simplistic it may appear, we cannot but contrast between the two logics that are at play in the Word today. One is the logic of the world, which wants everything in its own terms, everything under control and everything serving oneself. All that we do, whether we do it as a competence to be remunerated or a service rendered to the society, has to bring its dividends according to the logic of the world. If I did something, however small it could be, for the society, I need to have its recompense by all means! This is what the society holds and justifies - and it seems in all ways logical.

The logic of the Reing, however, is strangely different: I do everything for the othres; there may not be any recompense, rather sometimes I may be taken to task for the good that I have done; sometimes I may be punished for the sacrifices that I make for the sake of the others; I may give all the time, and all that I have, for others and finally end up with nothing but a load of criticism and opposition... yet I need to go on doing that good. That is the logic of the Reign.

Jesus had a tough time making the disciples understand it, nothing to blame them if we cannot understand it after all that has happened with the coming of Jesus and two millennia after! We still feel more comfortable with the logic of the world which says: get and forget, than with the logic of the Reign which says: give and forgive! The logic of the world says, control and dominate, while the logic of Reign says love and serve! 

It would be opportune to ask ourselves in the depth of our hearts: which logic does dominate in our hearts and in our lives - that of the world or that of the Reign. If the logic of the Reign rules my heart, I will see Reign flowering wherever I am. 

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