Thursday, March 17, 2022

Truth and the Reign


Friday, 2nd week in Lent: March 18, 2022

Genesis 37:3-4,12-13, 17-28; Matthew 21: 33-43, 45-56

People of the Reign can be judged with their relation to the Truth. Truth shall set you free, the Lord said, and it is Truth that shall set you up as a person of the Reign or otherwise! We can have only two dispositions to Truth - one, for it and the other against it. There are no other dispositions in between! There is no neutrality when it comes to Truth; we know well which side we belong to! No one else needs to judge us. 

Look at the episode of Joseph in the first reading - who is more culpable in his regard: those who said, come on let us kill him, or those who wanted to sell him away and not do any harm to him or Rueben who wanted to save him later but remained silent all through what happened to him? Today, regarding the political crisis that is going on in Ukrain, how many of us have taken such stands - some standing with the bloodshed, some trying to see what are our losses and gains in this event, and others standing as by standers hoping for some miraculous way to intervene! Truth hurts - we are either on the side of Truth or against it!

When we are with the Truth we are people of the Reign, and if we are not ready to take the stand for the Truth, we are against it and we cannot be people of the Reign; the Reign that has been entrusted to us as baptised children of God, shall be stripped from our hands and given to those who are more compassionate, more committed to Truth and pure in heart - with no compromises and no fake neutralities. 

When someone, or something, makes us aware of the fact that we are full of compromises and we are truly not for Truth, we still try to silence those facts, oppress those voices, suppress those opinions and eliminate those persons! But let us remember, the stone rejected by the builders shall become the keystone and the Reign shall certainly be built - and we shall be the least there, if we do not stand by Truth. 

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