Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Conformity, Conflict, Convenience and Conviction!

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 2nd week in Easter time

April 27, 2022: Acts 5:17-26; John 3:16-21

For everyone who does wicked things hates the light; whoever lives the truth comes to the light! Light and darkness are the two extremes presented for our imagination, but not just that. There are a so many between these two... the shade, the dim glow and so on. The Word infact presents to us four categories of people in relation to right things. 

The first category are those who do the right, the second category are those who assist those who do the right, the third are those who hinder anyone doing the right and the worst are those who are involved in doing the evil! We find all the four categories referred to in the readings today. 

God calls us to love and serve, and has showed by example this divine style of life - in relation to this light, this ideal vocation, the apostles and the disciples were those who did what the Spirit said; the people and persons like Nicodemus, were those who supported and stood by the right things; the officials and the captain who acted against the apostles were those who hindered the right thing to be done; and finally the high priest and the Sanhedrin who contemplated evil in their minds and translated it into acts. We have two reminders from this situation, for our personal lives. 

The first call for us is to analyse our choices, our preferences and our priorities and see sincerely to which of these four categories we would belong. The second lesson for us is that while we strive to be people of the light and do the right. In our circumstances we would certainly come across persons of all the four categories: what would our reaction be? Conformity? or Conflict? or Convenience? or Conviction? - what would guide our response in such situations?

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