Tuesday, April 12, 2022



Wednesday, April 13: Isaiah 50:4-9; Matthew 26: 14-25

And from that moment, he looked for an opportunity to betray him... betrayal does not mean merely the act of betrayal but the very thought of betrayal, the very choice of betrayal, the very consideration of the possibility of betrayal. 

In our relationship with God too, it is not merely the moment of sin that breaks our relationship with God, but the very prospect of considering the choice of that sinful thought, or word, or act or decision. When we promised the Lord that we shall renounce sin, we promised to reject satan, all the works and the empty promises of the satan! Even the innermost thought or a tendency within that takes me towards sin, is already an experience of betrayal!

Sin is not merely an act, but a mindset, an attitude that leads to choices, a tendency that creates a leaning within me! What I need to be concerned about is not the occasional failures or a momentary fall, however bad it could be. Instead, I need to fear even a small deviance, even if it can be considered negligible at the moment, because in the long run it would lead me to a point of no return!

Betrayal can be checked any time in our life; all that we need to do is be attentive to the signs from the Lord, obedient to the Word of the Lord and docile to the promptings of the Spirit - we would save ourselves, because if the Lord is at my side to help, who will dare codemn me!

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