Thursday, April 14, 2022



Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12; Hebrews 4: 14-16,5:7-9; John 18:1 - 19:42

Climax - the Good Friday is the climax of so many experiences: the climax of the ultimate episode of revelation that God had initiated in the life and person of Jesus the Christ; the climax of the love of God expressed thus far in numerous ways and now in the highest manner possible; the climax of the self emptying that the Word went through in order to make humanity understand the real nature of God that is love, the climax of Calvary that remains the pinnacle of all sacrifices offered thus far in the entire history of life on earth. 

Today we look at the Cross with intent and with gratitude. Infact the Cross, for every Christian, is a gift, a sign and a reminder - a gift that we do not deserve in anyway but all the same given to us in the abundance of God's love and mercy; a sign of God's sacrificial love, a love that came down to live amidst us, a love that was ready to give us everything, absolutely everything; a reminder that we have been saved by a love that pardons, a love that accepts without conditions, a love that thinks only of giving and counts no cost - that which is expected of us is that we grow in the image of that love! 

Before a tree it was that humanity lost sight of its true image, that of the loving God; and it is before this tree today that we are challenged to regain that image, grow in it and become ourselves images of that love - a love that gives and forgives. 

The world today is so particular about getting, about receiving and not rarely about grabbing! Kneeling before the Cross today we are called to look at the real sense of our life - not to look to grab, but to give; not to crave for pleasures but to suffer for others' well-being; not to get attached to things and comforts but to be ready even to be nailed and crucified for the sake of God's will to be accomplished. May the Cross be our light, our way and our salvation!

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