Sunday, April 3, 2022

To see God's light


Monday, 5th week in Lent - April 4, 2022
Daniel 13:41-62; John 8: 12-20

We have a dramatic episode in the first reading today. Though the innocent Susanna being blamed is a lent-worthy theme, the point of reference today is Daniel. Daniel, who was illumined by the light of the Lord and filled with the Spirit, delivers Susanna from the treacherous plotters and the mindless mob. 

Daniel was capable of idenitfying that those who testified were wrong, and were ill motivated. Today the world is so full of those who testify wrong and promote evil, either knowingly or unwittingly.  It becomes so crucial today to instruct the ignorant and to illumine the confused. it is indeed listed as one of the spiritual acts of mercy and that is the call that Daniel's episode offers us today.

We are called to fight against the treacherous plotters, deceivers who lead people astray, people with hidden agenda who manipulate the weak and the vulnerable. We fight them by throwing light on the truth and standing by it amidst threats and treason. Tougher still is the other task: that of illumining the ignorant and the mindless, who do not have clear thinking of their own, who swallow all that they are told, who follow the mob so blind that they do not even know what they live for. At times some faith choices of persons too become such a following of the mob, unfortunately. 

Christ is the Light that illumines our minds, reveals falsehoods and bears testimony to truth. Christ sheds light on what we need to do, where we need to journey towards, and where we are at this moment! The call is to surrender to the Lord and pray for God's illumination, that we can see God's ways, share it with others, and let the whole world see God's light!

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