Friday, April 1, 2022

To be hated for no reason!


Saturday, 4th week in Lent - April 2, 2022
Jeremiah 11: 18-20; John 7: 40-53

Jeremiah was hated for living a righteous life. Jesus was hated for the good he was doing and the joy he was bringing to the poor and the oppressed, and moreover because he was from Galilee! The world does not need a reason to hate you. It will find a reason by all means, unless you compromise with it. The moment you stand for what you believe and live in conformity to only what you stand for, you got to be prepared!

Think of a case like that of Fr. Stan Swamy in the recent times - what did he do to be taken to task! Think of so many others in similar circumstances, and many others who are not killed but framed, persecuted, disturbed, and taken to task in varied ways. For what? What is the mistake on their part, apart from being on the side of justice, on the side of the Truth, on the side of God and God's people!

Being persons of God would mean that even in the face this hatred you continue loving, that you continue doing good, that you do not retaliate nor seek to avenge those who harm you in one way or the other. The best example is the Cross that shines before us specially during this season of lent, the greatest sign of the power of mercy! 

Forbearance towards those who do wrong against you, is definitely a competence of a person of God; no one else can do it, and there can be no other explanation to such an attitude or act. The rest will easily compromise and go with the flow. After all, the pragmatic perspective of the world teaches us that: to adapt to the world in which we live, and survive, or else be extinct and disappear!

Are we daring enough to be ready and be prepared for opposition when we decide to be good? In simple terms, are we ready to be hated for no reason? 

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