Wednesday, May 25, 2022

To leave - a missionary challenge!

WORD 2day: Thursday, 6th week in Easter time

May 26, 2022: Acts 18: 1-8; John 16: 16-20

Paul leaves; he leaves Athens for Corinth, he leaves the Jews for the Gentiles. 

Jesus leaves; he leaves his earthly life and his friends (disciples) and prepares to go to his Father and our Father! 

They were able to leave because their eyes were fixed on the mission that was entrusted to them: there was nothing that came in between, neither success nor failure, neither helps nor hindrances, neither pains nor pleasures - nothing could keep them back from where they were bound to.

There is yet another point that the readings speak of, in continuation: whenever they left something, something greater awaited. Christ left his worldly stint, to remain with the Father and thus with us for ever, to the end of ages. And Paul leaves place after place, and everywhere there are more and more people being touched by the Lord and won over for the Lord.

Leaving behind is not an easy task. The most challenging of all 'leaving behind' is to leave behind one's own desires and dreams, personal plans and projects, one's loves and longings! At times, if we have to witness to the Lord and the Gospel that the Lord wants us to announce, there is no other choice but to leave. To leave, it is indeed a missionary challenge!

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